Breech or Posterior Labour Preparation Package


If the baby is confirmed to be in a posterior or breech position with ultrasound, this 7 treatment Acupuncture package is focused on moving the baby into a correct position. 





Labour Preparation package with Breech or Posterior Position

This 7 treatment Acupuncture care package follows a similar outline as the basic labour preparation package; however, If the baby is confirmed to be in a posterior or breech position with ultrasound, an addition of 2 treatments (that’s one extra in week 34 and one additional in week 35 ). Aside from the main treatments aimed to help prepare the cervix, a focus in the early weeks will be using both acupuncture and moxa to help the baby move into the ideal position. 

The Package offers 7 treatments: 

  • 1 treatment in week 34 
  • 1 treatment weekly from week 35 to week 40 

The package price is $774.00 or 10 % off our non-package pricing of $930) Health rebates are available.